

-       ワットシェントーンまで5分

-       ナイトマーケットまで10分

-       ロイヤルパレスまで10分

-       プーシーの丘まで10分






·       数種類のコーヒー、ティー

·       フルーツジュース、シェイク

·       卵料理 / 目玉焼き、スクランブルエッグ、ゆで卵、オムレツ

·       ハム、ベーコン、ソーセージ

·       自家製パンケーキ

·       ベーカリー「 Le Banneto」のクロワッサン、バゲット

·       チーズ、サラミ、ジャム、バター

·       自家製オートミール(ミューズリ)

·       新鮮なフルーツ




-       メコン川岸に作ったオーガニックガーデン

-       ガラス瓶に入ったドリンク類を揃え、ペットボトルは不使用です。

-       アメニティは小分けのプラスチック容器ではなく、陶器の入れ物を使用しています。

-       「REFILL NO LANDFILL」キャンペーンの一環として、飲み水を継ぎ足すステーションを設けています。

-       ストローはプラスティックでなくスチール製、または竹製です。


Sustainability policy


We at The Belle Rive Boutique Hotel are proud to be a sustainable accommodation, taking responsibility for our impacts on the environment, our employees and the local community, including:



●        Complying with the legal requirements of environmental legislation and regulation

●        Setting objectives and targets, measuring progress and reporting our achievements. We aim to reduce our carbon emission and water consumption by 10 - 15% by December 2024

●        Consider energy efficiency when purchasing new electrical equipment.

●        Preventing pollution and minimising it by reducing the use of harmful substances by using Natural antibacterial cleaning products

●        Using non-renewable resources like energy and water efficiently and making sure that we reduce the waste that we produce including a no single use plastic policy

●        Protecting and enhancing all our neighbouring ecosystems

●        Raising awareness of our environmental commitments with our employees, customers, suppliers and the local community, encouraging them support our activities

●        Working with our suppliers to embed sustainable practices into our supply chain


Human Rights and Labour Practices

●        Complying with the legal requirements of employment and human rights legislation and regulation

●        Respecting our employees and their culture, traditions and intellectual property rights

●        Treating our employees equally, regardless of their age, disability, nationality, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender reassignment in all aspects of the business (including but not restricted to recruitment, general employment, training and promotion).

●        Ongoing training and professional development for all our employees

●        Training our employees on our sustainability policies so they understand and are actively involved in the achievement of our objectives and targets.

●        Allowing our employees to join a Trade Union and to meet up in working hours to discuss employment-related issues. If a trade union is not available, we allow them to form their own association and elect a spokesperson to discuss employment issues


Local community

●        Employing people from local community wherever possible.

●        Maintaining a close relationship with our local community, ensuring that issues of their concern are discussed and resolved

●        Purchasing goods and services from local suppliers, wherever possible

●        Making regular donations to local environmental or humanitarian charities and encourage our guests to support them too

●        Protecting children from all form of abuse and exploitation, including sexual exploitation, ensuring our staff are trained so they know what to do if they suspect a child is at risk, in or near our property


Quality Assurance

●        We have procedures in place to ensure we are monitoring guests and staff feedback and making any necessary changes to our business as a result of that feedback


Health and Safety

●        Full compliance with relevant legal requirements

●        Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment and elimination of conditions that could result in activities with non-negligible probability of adverse effects.

●        Continuous training, development and evaluation of the adequacy of staff in the use of machinery and equipment, use of chemicals and manual handling and continuous awareness of health and safety at work.